Ronny Portulidis
Meet your Chef

Minimalism, essentialism and devotion to my craft is what accurately describes me as a professional and as a person alike.
My team and I create with great passion and patience events, that aim to inspire and comfort our audience.
We are here to help you putting together your Mallorca event, turn by turn.
On time, On budget, On point.
Book your personal Food & Wine tasting in our acclaimed Restaurant ¨Duke Palma¨in Santa Catalina with us.
Let´s get to know eachother a little closer.
Book your table here by clicking the button below.
It´s as easy as that...
Meet your Service crew
Bea Bauza & Dani Tavinen
Catering Menus 2020

We take the word "Service" literally:
¨The action to help, support and work for some one¨.
Here we like to add the element of inspiring you and your guests with a warm and good vibe .
Our service team is not only operating on the outer edges your event, it is a part of your event experience.
Through personality, professionalism and confidence we are elevating your event into the next level.
Come visit us at our Restaurant in Santa Catalina.
Here you can experience this feeling of being embraced by people, who truthfully understand why they do what they do.
Download here
Your experience with us
It´s Show time !
It´s show time... and we mean it!
We understand our work as a performance.
An act, we are natural entertainers, comedians and sometimes even clowns if needed.
We enjoy being in the flow of things and putting up a great show!
After all, life is a cabaret... Let´s all enjoy while the show lasts...

Our Catering menus
Enjoy our creations
Here you find our Catering creations.
We suggest, you print out the map and go through it.
The Catering menus are designed to be put together as modules.
You can add services as you think you need them and be in full control about your Menu.
Feel free to send us a pre-selection and we are happy to work it all out for you.
We hope you enjoy our creations for this season.
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Please forgive if some images or texts are not in high resolution.
It ´s a compromise we hope you can deal with.
For a high resolution version please contact us in the form below.
Get in touch
Tel: +34 670 294 320 (Erika) | Email: